New Post-Column Photochemical Reactor for Liquid Chromatography
This article briefly reviews the concept of adding photochemical reactions
to liquid chromatography as it is applied to an new photocatalytic post-column
reactor system based on a low-temperature UV lamp and titanium dioxide
Vital Signs in Clinical and Research Animals (178k)
Janice M. Bright of Vetronics, Inc. in Lafayette, Indiana, discusses
the importance of precise monitoring of animal vital signs and a new
computerized system for the automated measurement and monitoring of
all vital signs.
Voltammetry with Flow Technology (77k)
Taylor from NovaTech in Westown, Pennsylvania, shows how an on-line
deoxygenator makes it possible to automate the sample-handling process
using flow technology and more than triple throughput.
LC Sample Preparation with BioTrap 500 C18 (58k)
Hermansson, Anders Grahn, and Inger Hermansson from ChromTech AB in
Stockholm, Sweden, discuss a technique for the direct injection of complex
samples, such as plasma/serum, into a liquid chromatography system.
Study of Multiple Electron Transfer Reactions by Cyclic Voltammetry
Adrian W. Bott of Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. in West Lafayette, Indiana,
discusses the factors that give rise to two-electron transfer processes.