Amperometric Detection of Carbohydrates in Fruit Juices following High
Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography (39k)
Christine M. Zook and William R. LaCourse of the University of Maryland
outline a method for determination of sugars and carbohydrates in fruit
juices. New ChromGraph software controlling a BAS model LC-4C detector
accomplished the pulsed amperometric detection.

Linear Probe: A Flexible Choice for In Vivo Microdialysis Sampling in
Soft Tissues (45k)
Hong Zuo, Meng Ye, and Malonne Davies of BAS Kansas test a completely
flexible microdialysis probe by studying the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen
in the thigh muscle of an active rat.

Interval Monitoring of Glucose in Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) Rats
vivo ultrafiltration and microdialysis sampling techniques provide the
means for continuous monitoring of subcutaneous glucose in diabetic
rats. Elsa M. Janle and Peter T. Kissinger of BAS discuss studies with
lean and obese litter mates.

Problems in Voltammetry 3: Reference Electrodes for Voltammetry
Bott of BAS continues his series of articles on practical problems in
voltammetry. This review addresses the influential role of the reference

Segment Mercury Drops of Variable Size: The BAS Controlled Growth Mercury
Electrode (29k)
M. Town of the Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, characterizes
the size of mercury drops from the CGME using linear-sweep voltammetry.